Waferbonding and Active Passive Integration Technology and Implementation - IST STREP - WAPITI (2004-2007)
WAPITI`s vision is the development of a novel technology and its implementation in a new mesoscopic device generation that will enable crucial miniaturisation and cost reduction. WAPITI has identified waferbonding as the appropriate technology for the realisation of optical microcircuits integrating passive photonic / active optoelectronical and active photonic driven building blocks for novel functionalities and microsystems.WAPITI has demonstrated the potential and versatility of the technology in µring resonator building blocks in InGaAsP/InP bonded on GaAs wafers by realising ultra compact devices for MAN data rates: compact bus integrated µring WDM-lasers (1), high efficiency all-optical wavelength converters (2), and advanced multifunctional devices (3) The device development was supplemented by rigorous modelling and device analysis for component optimisation and exploitation purposes.Our group was responsible for WP1 (simulation and desing) and participates in WP4 (Characterization and system experiments using µring based devices).